Thursday, April 16, 2009

finally PARTY!

hey guys,

its like FINALLY i manage to actually wear my sexy clothes and go hit the town and party with my friends ! woohoo

meet up with kelly and blondie at admiralty platform as I was the last one to arrive as usual.

trained to somerset and had a great chat

we did according to plan to watch '17Again' at cine.

looking happy to watch movie
btw let me tell you guys this, its been a long time since i last watch a movie and i been wanting to watch one like so badly. and it worst when you friends are busy with other stuffs. so today i got to fufill that and i felt so great now
and the show is a must watch! its a comedy and of cause its freaking hilarious

after the movie since everyone was starving decided to grab a bite at burger king. over there our conversation gets a little deep i guess but it was nice.

finally with all the energy from the food, decided to roam around orchard road.
while kelly was withdrawing money outside heeren, hee took the opportunity to take pictures.

and sakinah thinks this made her look like she is not in singapore;

shes the blonde one btw

after getting tired from roaming around, decided to chill at mac seats outside heeren to take a break and have a nice ice-cream on a nice sunny day with your best buddies.

after that it was the after party. too bad kelly is too tired to party so yeah she left halfway and me and blondie proceed to sp to meet yanhan(blondie's poly friend).
it was the 'SP freshies welcoming party', something like that so i guess i kinda like crash the party since im like from rp. but what the heck; who would not miss out on a party and guessing i actually need one before school starts. I have been like working and working and no fun, it cant be that way. Well it was cool cause it was the first time meeting blondie's poly friends, dont really had the chance to meet them so this was a great opportunity to know some of them. well they are great people.

we came in late though, so when we arrived there were already some live bands performing. we decided to grap some food at the other room and then back in to watch some performances by the dance group. it was fun

he is a great/hilarious host to have for this kind of event

well at the end after all performances was done, it was clubbing time. that was the best part of my day today. finally got to release all my stress and just dance the night away. the deejay was spinning some great music so hell ya im dancing. it was crazy.

the smoke machine,bubbles and lights made me more high!

all good things must come to an end sometimes, so in order to not get into a crowded train, we had an early night. it was hard for me to leave though haha

i had a great day and saw some familiar faces at the party too. im glad this day happen, im so happy. tiring yet fufilling

well tmr is always another day