Thursday, May 28, 2009

So many things, so little time

hey guys,

im dead beat. I realise that I did not blog for two weeks. So here goes,

For what I remember 19 May was seriously a day where I just want it to end quickly. Imagine four to five events clashing in one day. SHIT MAN! end up some had to be cancel and for some I had to face the consequences but on a lighther note, I put Misaki's 19th BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION IN SCHOOL a priority. Celebrate at ArtBites TRCC together with Chris and Sarah. It was damn fun and hilarious. Got to smack Misaki's face into the cheesecake! (video dont know where) but she love the presents we bought for her so yeah its cool. Despite on monday me,kyla and bryan spend practically the whole day at causeway point searching for the perfect present for her(she is not demanding but she just have certain requirements, isnt it the same thing shah?)

TGIF on 22 May was awesomeness! hang out with this bunch of people is just so hilarious. Had my breakfast at mac while they had their lunch. Off to city hall after that to enjoy the student price promo at Singapore Flyer. cool right 10bucks only. But I think the promotion ends 29May i guess.

We stop by at Marina Square to have our lunch/dinner and then chill at suntec starbucks where the real fun actually begins.

webcamming becomes to madness. well there are more shots but this are some of them.
once that is done, we were all tired and home sweet home.

This week the only fun part is yesterday on thursday. We had our Room Division module and we are suppose to go on a site visit to Fairmont Hotel. It is a five star hotel, so we were really expecting a nice interior and we were not wrong. After meeting one is done, we left school at 10plus. I guess the purpose of the site visit is for us to gain some real experience of the hotel operations but thanks to shidah canon camera and so it become a picture taking session. woohoo! It was damn fun.

Please enjoy the visual therapy people ;D

some of the hotel's interior


its cool that the whole class can fit into one lift and still got time to take picture

before boarding the bus

the journey

once we arrived, the front lobby made us go wow. basically we get to go to the back office of the hotel which was cool. and the best part of the outing was the PENTHOUSE SUITE AND THE OTHER SUITES! man (me and nich was like practically looking at each other giving the look, it was damn nice till you can cry)

still time for a group pic at the Laundry Department haha

boredness, cant wait to go to the rooms


the best is the toilet man!

even the hotel stuffs want to take our picture at their handphone haha

after that it was time to go due to time constraint.

back to rp!

overall it was fun man. We should have class party at the penthouse!

thats all, i hope am able to meet blondie to turn my TGIF a better one ;D