Friday, June 19, 2009

a great yet tiring week

hey guys,

I am the second one awake in the house. The first one is my mom who was watching her drama in the morning. Yesterday after school, I straight go to bed at 8pm. Woke up around 12am to go to the toilet and then continue sleeping till 8.30am in the morning. That was how tired I was due to school and it is only the 1st week of school after the two weeks break la.

credits from kelly's blog
On Monday which was the first day of school after the two weeks break, went to have after school bites with E26B(kelly,sean,nich,cheryl,josephine) at E1 canteen. After that all of them went off while me and kelly went to starbucks to have our favourite drinks. Hang around there for a while for kelly to wait for her other friends catch a movie. It was nice as starbucks always give you this pleasing atmosphere to relax especially when first day of school was fucking dreadful!

On Thursday went to Clarke Quay with kelly after school in our coporate attire (can you believe it? we blend in so well with the other business people over there la)
Kelly wanted to buy sticky sweets for her friend birthday present. Love the concept of the shop and addicted by the sweets Had dinner at LJS and I dont know why the LJS workers keep looking at us two.
Here is the funny part:
When we wanted to leave the place, the manager even looked at us and give us this friendly smile saying, "thank you for coming see you again"
Its not that I dont appreciate it but I seriously think its because of how we were dressing that day. Oh mind whatever it is I LOVE IT! haha well after we left the place, we decided to enjoy the bright lights at clarke quay. Its damn nice and a good place to distress. At the end of the day, i left that place with a smile

TGIF was fun in school except the fact that I was late to class. After school had after-school bites with E26B guys, sean and nich at E1 canteen. Then off to civics mac to meet E35J peeps, misaki,kyla and bryan. Miss them man. Had some catch up session as usual. These people really made my day overall

Right now I seriously had my Rooms Division Management module grades!

Now just waiting for my family lunch at Swensens later. I still remember just last month had swensens with the E35J peeps. and still thinking whether to go to the party at marina barrage..

oh ya overdue picture,

taken in the middle of the night, after me and kelly came back from bff mansion partying cos it was the last day of school before the two weeks break. making time to meet blondie for a while aww

other than that im happy!