Saturday, September 12, 2009

happy birthday blondie

hey guys,

first of all would like to wish my friend of mine, a happy 19th birthday.
I hope you like the comment I wrote at your facebook wall. I am sorry about postponing your present.

Now back to other stuffs,
After looking back at 2009, I have three days from today till I turn 19 myself too. I must say that I started 2009 with a great start. The most achieving thing for me is getting a job and sticking to it for more than a day! hahaha (usually after the first day I will quit already, how spoilt am i?!)
Right now I am already coming to my 7 months of working, can you guys believe it?
and to some of you it may sound like, "so what?!", but to me it is a great achievement for me.
Lets just say that Hei Sushi Sembawang has become my second home and love the people there. After being there for 7 months and counting, I created loads of bond with the people I work with. Seeing one by one of them leaving to either start a new life or basically need to change outlets, made me really sad.

Till now there are alot of people that has already leave the outlet at sembawang. The ones that really impact me is kakak habibah, steven, mia(my supervisor), hai-ni(my supervisor). Really saddens me. Hai-ni just left on 23 August and we both cried when we hugged. She is like the best supervisor you can have as no one treat you like your second mother at work.

And now i am hearing that michelle and erma is leaving also. woah i can't take this people. But I really enjoyed working with this people. I learnt alot from them and thats why I missed them so much. Now the outlet is so empty. Its just so different.

Now I realise how much impact can a person have on you just in 7 months.

I had so much memories with the people who have gone.
I just need to get this out of my chest