Sunday, July 12, 2009

Great week; i guess

sometimes you wonder what happens next..

hey guys,

Right now trying to revise my Sales Management module cause tomorrow is the paper! Thats besides the point

6July Monday
The committee had a DITD meeting with the TRCC crew for the planning of the Dinning In The Dark event after school. I was glad that everything went well.

7July Tuesday
Went to kelly house after school with Mable to straighten her hair. Before that, went to causeway point to buy some early dinner at PastaMania. Had the pasta at kelly house before getting Mable's hair straighten for her bro's wedding family photoshoot. Hanging out was fun

8July Wednesday
Drag my feets to school knowing that on that day was Business Law module. Despite that i was so happy to see my shoes I ordered online have arrived from Korea!

the price is still not confirm yet, have to wait for the bill. just praying that it won't reach 50bucks please.
Plus that day the problem statement was so hard and some of us decided to start playing with the mask given during presentation.

9July Thursday
Nothing special on this day except the problem statement for Rooms Division Management module require us to go for a short site visit to Raffles Hospitality Centre which is located at the north end of RP. It was cool as it was the class first time there.

at the end of the day still have to seat for UT2-RDM module, which i think i did fairly.

10July Friday
During break, me and kelly went to the piano in the school library. While kelly was playing, we notice there were paparazzi taking snapshots of us. I wonder..

nah! they were some bunch of STA students taking pictures for their web multimedia module. haha

11July Saturday
Before heading down for work, decided to head to UOB bank at civic centre. Decided to go there to open a UOB account. The purpose of me doing it; so that I will put some of my pay into that account so that I can start saving now! decided to have a visa debit card cause of the privileges man. Have to wait for three weeks before they post me the card. For now the card looks something like this,

Because of this I was late to work. After dropping down at sembawang, went down to SunPlaza PastaMania to buy lunch for my 1hour break during work. (I notice I had PastaMania twice in a week..) But thanks to my lovely manager, she decided to let me start work later. Then comes the drama at work, I notice that I did not bring my white tee and so I have to go to Cotton On to get one, urrgh.
At night went I came back from work, syafiq came back shopping at FOX.He bought a couple of polo tees and a sweat shirt.

OMG he really tempting me to shop man. The thing is I already bought the shoes online, so don't feel like spending again.

So now I am spending my Sunday studying. Even though how boring it is and how much I want to go town right now, I am going to discipline myself to stuck my butt at the chair cause the paper is tomorrow man.

Overall I had a great week. Cant wait for National Day. My family is planning to go to Orchard Hotel again to spend the public holiday there. Sexay!