Sunday, July 19, 2009

loving life!

sooyoung so adorable

hey guys,

Dining in the dark
On Monday 13 July, had DITD 1st dry run together with the Hotel F.U.Z.E students at the TRCC Black Box Lab. It went well and I actually had fun.

Workout week
This week I managed to had a great workout twice in a week. On Tuesday 14 July and Friday 17 July managed to go to woodlands stadium and exercise with Kelly and Mable. I managed to find some improvement in my fitness. "Healthy Living people!"

Happy Birthday Daddy!
On Thursday 16 July was my beloved Daddy's 58th birthday. He is like the best dad you can have la. Seriously, like the coolest dad on earth. Would like to wish you all the best and best wishes. Always pray for your good health. The best part was that we suprised him with a cake from Prima Deli when he came back from work

Thanks daddy for spoiling and pampering me like some spoilt brat HAHA I LOVE YOU!

Sexy Weekends
On Saturday, before going to work at 7pm, went to SENTOSA TO SOAK IN THE SUN! with Kelly,Mable and Sandra. Sean and Zac cancel last minute so it was the four of us. Basically it was just sun tanning and chillout session with them. It was relaxing just lying down on the mat after all the UTs. Bought sushi,chips and fruit punch. After cleaning up, Mable had to meet her floorball clique while me,Kelly and Sandra had dinner at The Chicken Rice Shop at Vivo City. We ordered like a feast I tell you. After eating chillout at the deck outside Vivo to see the view. Best part of the day, Sandra's canon dslr camera!

teaser pic more will be post up later just have to wait for sandra to send the pics

On Sunday woke up and was so bored. Switch on the laptop and got more bored. Urrgh what a boring Sunday. I tell you I was inside my room from 1pm+ to 5pm+ and then I couldnt take it anymore, I go and shower and guess what...
my hands was itchy and my legs were moving by itself. telling me to go out hahah so much drama
So change and spend spend spend.

went shopping at one place only since it was already night time. I went to City Link Mall at Suntec. First went to FOX as syafiq had reserved his sexy tank top and I have to pay for it. Nvm since I am his beloved brother, I paid for it. Then went to TopMan and bought two apparels there, a polka dot polo tee and checked long-sleeve shirt. Woohoo! satisfied baby! Then went to HMV to buy some music albums. Bought ASHLEY TISDALE SECOND ALBUM BABY! im so happy can. all those who knows im a big fan of her, they will know. ALSO treated my brother to girls generation 2nd mini album. I know im a greatest brother you can have haha
Plus paying at the cashier using visa payment like so cool when you sign the receipt. OK i know, its my first time ok

Well after that shopping trip I was so happy and I end the sunday on a sexy note!Really kills my boredom.

Cant wait for tomorrow's fabulous event, going to meet my secondary school clique.

Everything going well