Sunday, July 26, 2009

don't know what to do

hey guys,

I guess I had another great week. But my TGIF sucks to the core man. It was a friday and I was expecting that I had plans but when I open my organiser, I realise I was freaking free. At last went home straight after school. So yeah friday was a bleah.

At least on a lighter note, get to meet E35J on thursday for a while in the school library. That made me happy to see them after not seeing them for weeks.

On Tuesday had a Service Learning Workshop. All the student organisers have to go through the workshop before the actual event. I was like seriously having one of those -.- moments. The workshop was kind of boring and dry. No other comments.

Saturday was fun. Had work that day but the sales was slow man. There was little customers and I was practically reading my project management notes at the cashier area. This is what we call using the free time to good use. I finally manage to find time to study even if I am at work woohoo!

Then I realise outside of my workplace near the atrium area, there is a sale on cushion covers and curtains etc. So I quickly called my mom and told her about the crazy sale + hari raya coming right, we need new cushion covers haha. After a few minutes, I saw my mom and younger sister together with my aunt arriving. After they finish shopping, I treated them to Hei Sushi, which is at my workplace so can enjoy 10% discount.

Right now mugging hard for tomorrow's paper. Mom and older sister is out to causeway point shopping again for my older sister's engagement preparation.

Oh ya more photos from the sentosa trip with mable,sandra and kelly,



thats all folks