Thursday, August 6, 2009

just going with the flow

im loving it
hey guys,

27 July Monday
When to sharmine hilton mansion for a celebration. Me and kelly completed our second part of the test and we went to his house to have fun for the night. Bought mac fast food for some snack while watching movie together. Other than that was more of catching up and just enjoying each other's company.

28 & 29 July Tuesday/Wednesday
Basically these two days spend most of the time after school at the TRCC black box lab for the preparation of the DITD(dining in the dark) event. Had fun interacting with the different Interest Group that is also involved in the project.

30 July Thursday
During Rooms Division class,

the actual day of the event!
after class, went to the TRCC lab where the event is held together with Milton.
Great response from the participants, SAVH and also the school. Event was a success everyone was happy!

The best part is that there was free food and only student leaders got the goodie bags. Obviously I am one of the student leader so i got one too. muahaha and the culinary IG cooked up some feast after the event which i decided to give it a miss and went home as I was so tired after that.

overall it was a fun yet enriching event to plan.

31 July Friday
Awesome TGIF!

movie with Nadira and Warm
watch: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
after school rushed out of the boring SALES MANAGEMENT CLASS and run down to the taxi stand in school and cab-ed to Bishan Junction 8 Shopping Mall. (mind you we were lazy to walk to take the bus on a hot sunny day SPOILT BRATS! lol)
overall nice great movie with great company

3 Aug Monday
After school hangout with Sandra, Hoi Yan and Kelly at Mos Burger causeway point shopping mall as Hoi Yan and Sandra was hungry.

4 Aug Tuesday
After Service Quality class,

after that,

movie with Sean, Shidah, Cheryl and Rainer
watch: Hangover(NC16)
after school went to causeway point shopping mall to book the tickets. while waiting for the movie to start, we decided to have our dinner at PastaMania.
Overall the movie was freaking hilarious and loads of dirty scenes. I feel like im watching porn in the cinema. hahaha
nice movie, dinner and great company

6 Aug Thursday
After school supported Tasha as she was emcee-ing the National Day Observation in RP, together with Mable, Hoi Yan, Kelly and Sandra. It was alright.

So far I have been very weird myself lately.
I don't know wassup either
trying to figure it out
but made myself more confuse
wish I can chuck it aside
and going back to my old self
enjoying life!

right now just trying to pass each day and living each day to the fullest. Can't wait for my next payday man

thats all folks