hey guys,
curently listening to kelly's playlist
i guess weekends is the only time I get to sit down with my laptop and blog.
lately I have been doing things alone. I dont why myself either. Actually this week has been a boring week for me. Did nothing and nothing special happen.
but (there is always a but, haha)
kelly was there to save me
met her on FRIDAY evening to have a lovely cup of starbucks and just have a nice long chat. this is the life im talking about. Plus she did promise to treat me a cup for my 18birthday present and since we are always busy, we did not managed to have a date and that day was just perfect. THANKS KELLY! LOVE YOU! thanks so so much
this small bites goes so well with our coffee.
my drink was behind in a glass cup, Dark Cherry Mocha a must try!
with her there was no moments of silence
btw some random thing, I kept bumping into my old band clique these few days. hmm
oh well
there is always next week to look forward too. I guess it is going to be a fun week for me. with christmas and someone's birthday and also wedding ceremony to attend to.
PLUS let me say this
Blondie I MISS you! hangout soon ya
feeling like a debbie right now