Monday, March 9, 2009

Lunch Date

hey guys,

its just like one of those episode of TheHills at mtv where your friend send you a text message asking if your free today for lunch. That's exactly what happened.

blondie: HEYY!! U wrkg today?? :D
me: Err, its your lucky day. Im not working today. So Wassup?
blondie: HAHA wanna go to cwp for lunch ohohoho :D

that was the exact text message.

We meet at 4pm. Well looking at the time it was more of a late lunch/early dinner actually. We decided to have LJS. Then roam around the mall with blondie signing up for a holiday job at esprit.

Had a great catch up chat. With all the drama that is going on, a chill out session is always great.
well looking at my organiser, looking forward for the weeks ahead.

cant wait for my sisters birthday celebration, mind you its not a domestic-kind-of-party, but a hotel suite treat. woots!

till then sexy bitches;