Monday, April 6, 2009

5N1 High School Reunion

some could not make it

hey guys,

on saturday 4/4/09 got me happy for one day because for once Im going out not for work but to meet again with my high school friends after a long time. It was a gathering and for us to catch-up with each other. Was nice to see them all again, and it gave me the nostalgic feeling. felt so comfortable that day

and at last I get to wear my sexy clothes other than work uniform which is so ugly laaaa

had seoul garden for lunch

after getting our tummy full, head out to cine to play pool and lan.

pool is such a chilling sport

after playing till late evening, took a night walk with them to weelock starbucks while some of them are off to angmokio to play lan.
of course i went to starbucks of course, not really a gamer. singing through orchard road with your bestest buddies in high school is a really great feeling !

ended the night on a good note and gonna miss you guys again.
Good luck all for the coming semester, 5-1 lets all work hard and achieve our dreams in life. Year 2 here we come !