Monday, July 20, 2009

awesome Monday!

hey guys,

another great day I had on Monday. No Monday blues y'all

In class,
during Project Management lesson webcam with KaiXin. She is the best person to camwhore. Then me and her decided to disturb Seri online muahahaha! dont worry we still love you

after class,
the madness starts

there are more but it just couldnt fit it was so hilarious

After that was when the real party starts!
Had a gathering with my old secondary school clique. Even though some of them could not make it but they are still missed
Me and Kelly was the only one left in the class while waiting for Shar to finish his UT. When he is done, three of us took the train and Fee hop on the same train as us and off to meet Blondie at Taka

Had dinner at Delifrance. Everyone was all-dress up for dinner, so it was sexy!

During the meal, the great part was just being able to talk about stuffs comfortably which i why i love these people so much.

After a hearty meal, it was roaming around time and just enjoy each other's company, and this is what I mean,

notice all the brands behind the photos

My favourite photo of all


While waiting for Kelly to buy foooood for her mommy,


some of us decided to have mochi

still waiting for kelly to get her fooood haha

out of boredom, took this shot

Got out of Taka and decided to breathe the Orchard Road air,
but the annoying paparazzi wont get out of our way to let us walk
(if only haha)

after all the craziness, it was time for home sweet home

Some shots inside the train. I tell you the energy was still there.

at the end of the day, I still couldnt believe I have bought Ashley Tisdale second album!

overall the gathering was awesome as usual. Seriously miss them big time. We always told each other where we will be 5year from now, that kind of thing. So yeah managed to went home with the great feeling of satisfaction.

Lastly the screen shot taken for our PPT slide,

rmb last week lesson my group did the 'boys over flowers' thingy, this time we did the rocker thingy as the title of the problem statement was ROCK ON! haha
