Wednesday, September 9, 2009

happy birthday kelly

hey guys,

first of all would like to wish my friend of mine, a happy 19th birthday.

On 8 Sept, we had a 5-1 gathering again but this time two of our teachers came too. Mrs Tan and Mr Soong were the two teachers. We ended up having dinner together at Pasta Mania at Northpoint. After that some of us went to causeway point to watch night movie.

At the same time we sang a birthday song together in advance for our dear kelly. Well to kelly, I hope you like the things we made for you. When you can see the effort, I hope you will see that we really meant it when we say 'friends for life'

The dinner gathering was awesome. Getting together again made us think that as we move on in our lives, we cannot forget where we come from. When I was there, I really felt comfortable again. I was feeling fine to see familiar faces back again. I guess everyone enjoyed themselves.

But the day before the dinner gathering, some of us(jan,fee,shar,blondie & me) went to sharmine house to make the card and cupcakes for kelly. The process was so much fun and filled with laughter. From the buying of ingredients to making it was the best part.

if you guys are interested for more visuals from the event that night please copy the link below,

well just now just came back from shopping at geylang for raya preparations. Finally bought my baju kurung!

right now need to rush my pp...sigh