Wednesday, August 12, 2009

days of pure hapiness!

hey guys,

I am glad that these past few days I am enjoying myself with the people around me. And E26B is just the best class you can have. Everyday is something different cos you don't know what is going to happen. That is why coming to class is always a joy for me.

First of all Happy 44th Birthday to our beloved Singapore. So because of that there was a public holiday on Monday.
Instead of sitting at home and studying, I went out instead. One of the reasons is because syafiq send me a early morning text message on my phone. It was a favour for him. So travel all the way to City Hall to Suntec FOX to meet him.

He wants me to buy a gift for his friend and also collect the free gift at FOX but at ION outlet. So I travel all the way to Orchard to buy the 'I Love FOX' shirt and the free gift is a FOX beach side bag. So yeah.

Me being me, once I am out, it calls for shopping. I tell you, I have been shopping for the past few days, and guess what I'm loving it! So I had in mind a few things that I want. So that day I prioritize on buying new jeans. I look high and low. Somehow I notice a lot of guys are carrying Topman plastic bags. Curious, went in and saw there was actually clearance sale!!! AND lucky me, all the jeans are at 29 BUCKS! oh mine. I couldnt take it and buy it straight away. After the long hours of walking here and there, decided to chill at City Link Starbucks and got myself the Caramel Frappe with coffee jelly before going home. Its heaven

Enough about shopping, tired of it for now.

Another thing, I notice I have been spending loads of money on movies. So the next day after the public holiday, went to watch UP at The Cathay at Douby Ghaut with E26B. The amazing thing is, GOT TO WATCH IT IN 3-D! so cool and the movie was adorable in overall. Had fun watching movie with those people

Then left me, Sean, SQ, Nadira and Cheryl who continued our journey to Bugis as the girls wanted to shopping spree at Bugis Street. They shop till me and Sean just look at each other with '-.-' this kind of expression. They bought a lot of stuffs. Then SQ continue shopping at Bugis Junction Shopping Centre. Bought stuffs for herself and also her boyfriend. Tired, so it was home sweet home. Overall awesome day with them!

Highlight for today's post
Last day for Business Law module with Mr. Dawood
I tell you Law for the past 15weeks have been interesting yet tiring, but I enjoy every moment of it. So today being the last day, we have to be in black and white formal attire. That is normal for courses in School of Hospitality. Also today's lesson start later at 9.45am and we gather in the library first which was something to look forward to.

Therefore today we look as if we just graduate from Law School woohoo! (there is still UT3 left..sigh)haha

me in the morning before going into school

E26B is loved

Mr.Dawood treat us to pizza and we made him these little cards as an appreciation from E26B.

A formal picture of E26B with Mr.Dawood

woo black or white *hits MJ song

informal pictures now

look at all our faces knowing that its the end of law madness

The guys with Mr.Dawood (he then only realises that there is this amount of guys in the class)haha

The ladies with Mr.Dawood

the guys' inside joke HAHA!

and this is just plain wrong! muahaha

all in all had a blast!