Monday, August 17, 2009

a glamourous event that was a success

hey guys,

On 15 August 2009, Saturday
I would like to say congratulations to my elder sister for getting engage wearing a white and gold piece collection from Begum's Boutique

I feel so happy for them and the whole event just makes me go aww till now I still cannot believe it.

In the morning of the event, I was in-charge to collect the cake at Novena Secret Recipe Restaurant.

Chocolate Indulgence cake for the guy side from my sister

After that, did a little shopping to find my sister an egagement gift. Me, together with my younger sister and brother contributed in this gift.

dVb BECKHAM SIGNATURE perfume & shower cream gift set i love the sexy packaging

Overall it was just a F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S ceremony and the paparazzi was just awesome

the room and bride all glam up

captured moments

my future brother-in-law anxious to go into the room to see her beautiful bride

so sweet

the deco that the guy side made for my sister's ring

the deco that we made for the guy's ring

All in all it was sexy and all the guest did not leave the house empty handed. Extra food and dessert was packed for them together with a door gift as a token of appreciation from the salleh family sponsored by Tupperware.

thank you to all who made this day a success!