Saturday, August 8, 2009


hey guys,

after the madness in class, I went to Novena alone to order the sexy cake, Chocolate Indulgence, for my sister's engagement from Secret Receipe Restaurant.
Met my cousin who is working there to accompany me.

After that went to Starbucks nearby there to chill for a while. While sitting there had loads of memories flashback. That was the place where me, Kelly, Janice, Fee used to slack and have fun over there. Really loads of memories. Also the place where we study and stuff.
The very first time we go there when we were secondary three and now I am already in Year2. See how much we grow and the place is still the same.

Oh ya that time after watching movie at causeway point, did a little shopping at John Little and bought new shades again.

right now busy with my sister's engagement which is just next week. There are loads to be done.

ahh small things that make me happy!